Relational Maintenance During Military Deployment: Perspectives of Wives of Deployed US Soldiers


Deployment-based separations, during which military spouses' communication is limited and their uncertainty heightened, present numerous challenges to spouses' enactment of relational maintenance. To better understand how partners maintain relationships during deployment, this study analyzes interviews with 33 wives of deployed US service members. Content analysis yielded 24 forms of relational maintenance. Results also indicated factors that potentially shape and complicate maintenance performance, such as restrictions on the amount, timing, and content of communication. Rather than demonstrating universally effective patterns of maintenance, results suggest that spouses enact maintenance commensurate with their individual needs and resources. The author speculates that during deployment separations, spouses potentially negotiate an interplay in their relational maintenance between, on the one hand, careful planning and, on the other hand, creative improvisation.

Merolla, A. J. (2010). Relational Maintenance During Military Deployment: Perspectives of Wives of Deployed US Soldiers. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38, 26-Apr. doi:10.1080/00909880903483557