Preschoolers' Cognitive Representations of Peer Relationships: Family Origins and Behavioural Correlates


Preschoolers' cognitive representations of peer relations (e.g., peer affiliation and hostile attributions of peers' intentions) and their associations with prosocial peer-related behaviors and peer competence was assessed utilizing observations and child and teacher surveys. Results indicate that preschoolers' cognitive representations of peer relations (either positive or negative) were associated with their own behaviors and peer competence. Therefore, interventions that teach children to view peer interactions positively may be beneficial to children lacking social competence and prosocial behavioral skills.

Meece, D., Mize, J. (2011). Preschoolers' Cognitive Representations of Peer Relationships: Family Origins and Behavioural Correlates. Early Child Development and Care, 181, 63-72. doi:10.1080/03004430903255320