Psychiatric Disorders Moderate the Relationship Between Insomnia and Cognitive Problems in Military Soldiers


A common complaint of combat-exposed Service members is insomnia. Frequently, insomnia occurs along with other psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression). Since insomnia can affect vigilance, moral reasoning, and decision making, this study examined the relationship between insomnia, other psychiatric disorders, and their impact on cognition (e.g., memory and concentration) in Service members. Results suggest that the presence of other psychiatric disorders influence the relationship between cognitive ability and insomnia.

Brownlow, J.A., Klingaman, E.A., Boland, E.M., Brewster, G.S., Gehrman, P.R. (2017). Psychiatric Disorders Moderate the Relationship Between Insomnia and Cognitive Problems in Military Soldiers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 221, 25-30. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2017.06.023