Combat-Related Parental Deployment: Identifying the Impact on Families With Preschool-age Children


This manuscript describes a qualitative study using focus group methods to gain insight into how combat-related parental deployments affect preschool-age children. Using the Resiliency Model of Role Performance for Service Members, Veterans, and their Families, the authors found that decreases in social connection and individual assets impacted the role performance of all family members. As parental role performance deteriorated, similarly did their children's behaviors and emotions. Results indicate the need for improved military and community support, especially during deployment; counseling and increased communication within the military, public schools, and family systems; and decreased stigma in help seeking for service personnel and veterans.

Waliski, A., Bokony, P., Kirchner, J. E. (2012). Combat-Related Parental Deployment: Identifying the Impact on Families With Preschool-age Children. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22, 653-670. doi:10.1080/10911359.2012.655621