Applying the Relational Turbulence Model to the Empty-Nest Transition: Sources of Relationship Change, Relational Uncertainty, and Interference From Partners


This study employs the relational turbulence model to identify common issues facing married couples during the transition to the empty-nest phase of marriage. We surveyed 100 individuals who were part of 50 couples who had recently entered the empty-nest phase of their relationship to identify themes of relationship change (RQ1), relational uncertainty (RQ2), and interference from partners (RQ3) during the empty-nest transition. Results revealed five themes of relationship change: (a) increased couple time, (b) reduced structure provides increased freedom, (c) increased communication, (d) increased privacy, and (e) new beginnings. Four themes of relational uncertainty were identified: (a) new roles and identities, (b) dependency anxiety, (c) love and intimacy, and (d) growing older. Four themes of partner interference were also found: (a) relationship facilitation, (b) guilt, (c) forced activity, and (d) household chores. Our findings suggest that the relational turbulence model may be a useful tool for understanding the relationship challenges faced by couples during late-life transitions.

Nagy, M. E., Theiss, J. A. (2013). Applying the Relational Turbulence Model to the Empty-Nest Transition: Sources of Relationship Change, Relational Uncertainty, and Interference From Partners. Journal of Family Communications, 13, 280-300. doi:10.1080/15267432.2013.823430