An Exploration of Army Wives' Responses to Spousal Deployment: Stressors and Protective Factors


Researchers conducted interviews with Soldiers’ wives regarding their stress and resilience across the deployment cycle. Wives cited an array of stressors that arose during the deployment cycle, including loss of control, managing perceived threats and uncertainty, and adjusting to changes. Wives also noted many protective factors that bolstered their resilience, such as having a sense of purpose, open communication with their deployed spouse, and having social and practical support.

Larsen, J. L., Clauss-Ehlers. C. S., Cosden, M. A. (2015). An Exploration of Army Wives' Responses to Spousal Deployment: Stressors and Protective Factors. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 4, 212-228. doi:10.1037/cfp0000049