A Relational Turbulence Model of Military Service Members' Relational Communication During Reintegration


This study employed the relational turbulence model to examine features of relational communication and dimensions of relational inferences during the postdeployment transition for military service members. We surveyed 220 military personnel who had recently returned home from deployment about their romantic relationship. Results of a structural equation model indicated that relational uncertainty and interference from partners predicted openness and aggressiveness, which in turn predicted appraisals of affiliation and dominance in the relationship. The results imply that the transition from deployment to reunion corresponds with upheaval in how service members communicate with a romantic partner and make judgments about their relationship.

Theiss, J. A., Knobloch, L. K. (2013). A Relational Turbulence Model of Military Service Members' Relational Communication During Reintegration. Journal of Communication, 63, 1109–1129. doi:10.1111/jcom.12059