Studies on active duty military families indicate that deployment disrupts normal functioning of the family. Scholars still, however, lack the necessary knowledge to fully grasp the impact that the current Iraq and Afghanistan wars have had on Army National Guard (ARNG) families who have experienced deployment. A grounded theoretical approach to interviews with ARNG spouses yields insight into how these families are coping with the often-unexpected event of wartime deployment. The authors identify stressors and coping strategies used by these spouses and offer suggestions for future research that will allow scholars to more fully understand the present situation ARNG families are facing.
Wheeler, A. R., Torres Stone, R. A. (2010). Exploring Stress and Coping Strategies among National Guard Spouses during Times of Deployment: A Research Note. Armed Forces & Society, 36, 545–557. doi:10.1177/0095327X09344066