U.S. Reserve Soldiers' Combat Exposure and Intimate Partner Violence: Not More Common But It is More Violent


Little is known about the relationship between combat exposure and intimate partner violence (IPV) among couples where one partner has deployed with the National Guard or Reserves. The current study assessed the relationship between combat exposure and sexual aggression, physical aggression, and physical injury in a sample of U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers. Results indicate that combat exposure is related to IPV, particularly to higher rates of injury.

Heavey, S. C., Homish, D. L., Goodell, E. A., Homish, G. G. (2017). U.S. Reserve Soldiers' Combat Exposure and Intimate Partner Violence: Not More Common But It is More Violent. Stress and Health, 1-7. doi:10.1002/smi.2748