Military Spouses Stationed Overseas: Role of Social Connectedness on Health and Well-Being


Survey data from Army spouses stationed in Europe were used to examine the relationship between social connectedness and spouse well-being (i.e., psychological distress, marital satisfaction, physical health symptoms). The relationship between social connectedness of spouses and their attitude towards their military spouses' career intention (e.g., definitely stay in until retirement, definitely leave upon completion of current obligation) was also explored. Spouses reported high levels of social connectedness which positively influenced their well-being. However, social connectedness had no influence on spouses attitude towards their military spouses' career intention.

Crouch, C. L., Adrian. A. L., Adler, A. B., Wood, M. D., Thomas, J. L. (2017). Military Spouses Stationed Overseas: Role of Social Connectedness on Health and Well-Being. Military Behavioral Health, 5, 129-136. doi:10.1080/21635781.2016.1272014