Efficacy of a Web-based Intervention for Concerned Spouses of Service Members and Veterans with Alcohol Misuse


An examination of a web-based treatment approach for concerned partners of Service members and Veterans who misuse alcohol was conducted. Pre- and post-test data assessing mental health, communication, and conflict resolution skills were collected from two groups: those receiving the web-based training and a control group who did not complete the training. Results from the study suggest that web-based interventions may be a helpful option for concerned partners with help-seeking barriers or those lacking access to traditional care.

Osilla, K.C., Trail, T.E., Pedersen, E.R., Gore, K.L., Tolpadi, A., Rodriguez, L.M. (2017). Efficacy of a Web-based Intervention for Concerned Spouses of Service Members and Veterans with Alcohol Misuse. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, doi:10.1111/jmft.12279