Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Men Who Sustain Intimate Partner Violence: A Study of Helpseeking and Community Samples


Although 25-50% of interpersonal violence victims are male, few studies have explored the association between interpersonal violence and posttraumatic stress disorder in men. This study investigated two types of interpersonal violence, intimate terrorism and common couple violence, and examined differences in the development of postttraumatic stress symptoms. Findings indicate an association between interpersonal violence and posttraumatic stress. Moreover, men who sustained intimate terrorism had an highly increased risk of meeting clinical criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder.

Hines, D.A., Douglas, E.M. (2011). Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Men Who Sustain Intimate Partner Violence: A Study of Helpseeking and Community Samples. Psychology of Men and & Masculinity, 12, 112-127. doi:10.1037/a0022983