Worried, Concerned and Untroubled: Antecedents and Consequences of Youth Worry


Different aspects of military life, including parental deployment, may lead youth to experience higher levels of worry. Three distinct patterns or profiles of worrying were identified in a sample of military youth. Worry profiles were then compared based on various individual characteristics, military family factors, and markers of overall well-being. Youth in the most worried profile displayed more negative outcomes than those in the middle and low worry profiles.

O'Neal, C. W., Mallette, J. K., Lanier, A. R., Mancini, J. A., Huebner, A. J. (2016). Worried, Concerned and Untroubled: Antecedents and Consequences of Youth Worry. Child & Family Social Work, 22, 801-812. doi:10.1111/cfs.12298