Navy Mothers Experiencing and not Experiencing Deployment: Reasons for Staying in or Leaving the Military


An exploration on what influenced women in the military to reenlist was conducted. More specifically, the focus of this study was on better understanding factors such as deployment, psychological adjustment, and a woman’s commitment to family and motherhood. Seventy-one Navy mothers were interviewed and completed standardized questionnaires before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) a scheduled deployment; 83 Navy mothers assigned to shore duty served as controls. Findings suggested that intentions to reenlist did not differ between the two groups.

Kelley, M. L., Hock, E., Bonney, J. F., Jarvis, M. S., Smith, K. M., Gaffney, M. A. (2001). Navy Mothers Experiencing and not Experiencing Deployment: Reasons for Staying in or Leaving the Military. Military Psychology, 13, 55-71. doi:10.1207/s15327876mp1301_04