Social Skills Deficits as a Mediator Between PTSD Symptoms and Intimate Partner Aggression in Returning Veterans


Veterans' posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms may be related to intimate partner aggression, although the underlying mechanisms are unclear. The effect of social skills deficits on the associations between PTSD and intimate partner aggression was examined in the study. Results indicated that social skills deficits partially explained the relationship between PTSD and psychological, but not physical, intimate partner aggression.

LaMotte, A. D., Taft, C. T., Weatherill, R. P., Eckhardt, C. I. (2017). Social Skills Deficits as a Mediator Between PTSD Symptoms and Intimate Partner Aggression in Returning Veterans. Journal of Family Psychology, 31, 105-110. doi:10.1037/fam0000215