The Effects of Stress of Job Functioning of Military Men and Women


Male and female Service members may be impacted by stressors differently, particularly given the predominately male composition of the military. Associations between self-reported job functioning, stressors, coping, and depression and substance use symptoms were examined among a large sample of Active Duty Service members. Stressors seem to impact male and female Service members’ job functioning differently, particularly depending upon type of stressor (e.g., work, family, health).

Bray, R. M., Camlin, C. S., Fairbank, J. A., Dunteman, G. H., Wheeless, S. C. (2001). The Effects of Stress of Job Functioning of Military Men and Women. Armed Forces & Society, 27, 397-417. doi:10.1177/0095327X0102700304