Rejection Sensitivity and Marital Adjustment Among Military Spouses During Deployments


This research examined the relationship between rejection sensitivity and marital adjustment. The Adult Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (ARSQ) and the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS) were given to address this question among a sample of 129 spouses of individuals currently deployed on military missions in Iraq or Afghanistan. Other potentially confounding variables were examined including gender, age, education, number of times married, number of children in the household, number of previous deployments, and number of months separated during the current combat deployment. Rejection sensitivity and number of deployments contributed to 34% of the variance on relationship adjustment.

Hurley, E. C., Field, T., Bendell-Estoff, D. (2012). Rejection Sensitivity and Marital Adjustment Among Military Spouses During Deployments. Psychology, 3, 480-484. doi:10.4236/psych.2012.36067