Characterizing Spouse/Partner Depression and Alcohol Problems Over the Course of Military Deployment


Military couples may face greater distress over the course of a deployment, thus impacting mental health and use of alcohol. This study of 1,973 Army National Guard Soldiers and 1,020 partners examined potential factors contributing to depression and alcohol misuse trajectories over the deployment cycle. Overall, findings revealed that Guard Soldiers and partners had relatively low depression and alcohol misuse; however, factors of partners stress and social support tended to play a significant role in these trajectories over time.

Erbes, C. R., Kramer, M., Arbisi, P. A., DeGarmo, D., Polusny, M. A. (2017). Characterizing Spouse/Partner Depression and Alcohol Problems Over the Course of Military Deployment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 297-308. doi:10.1037/ccp0000190