Reintegration Stress and Family Mental Health: Implications for Therapists Working With Reintegrating Military Families


Families experience stress during the deployment cycle, including the reintegration stage. This study examined factors that impact reintegration stress levels by collecting survey data from Service members and their partners regarding posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnoses or related symptoms, mental health, and reintegration stress. Results indicated that partners who perceived the Service member as having PTSD-related symptoms, low mental health, and rate their own mental health as low tend to face more reintegration stress.

Marek, L. I., D'Aniello, C. (2014). Reintegration Stress and Family Mental Health: Implications for Therapists Working With Reintegrating Military Families. Contemporary Family Therapy, 36, 443-451. doi:10.1007/s10591-014-9316-4