Psychological Distress and Burden Among Female Partners of Combat Veterans With PTSD


Caring for a loved one with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be stressful and a large burden on caretakers. Relationships between Veteran PTSD symptoms and partner perceived threat, mental health, treatment involvement, burden, and distress were examined in partners of Veterans receiving outpatient Veterans Affairs (VA) PTSD treatment. Partners reported very high levels of distress and burden, especially those with lower self-efficacy and partnered with Veterans with high PTSD symptoms.

Manguno-Mire, G., Sautter, F., Lyons, J., Myers, L., Perry, D. (2007). Psychological Distress and Burden Among Female Partners of Combat Veterans With PTSD. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195, 144-151. doi:10.1097/01.nmd.0000254755.53549