Intimate Partner Maltreatment Recidivism in U.S. Air Force families


This study examined whether perpetrator characteristics (i.e., gender and age) and characteristics of intimate partner maltreatment incident (i.e., intensity of event) were related to intimate partner maltreatment recidivism. Results indicated that overall, the majority of perpetrators did not reoffend. Of the 17% that did reoffend, males were more likely to reoffend and subsequent incidents were more likely to be severe to moderate if the initial incident was severe to moderate.

Coley, S. L., McCarthy, R. J., Milner, J. S., Ormsby, L., Travis, W. J. (2016). Intimate Partner Maltreatment Recidivism in U.S. Air Force families. Military Medicine, 181, 926-930. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-15-00333