Helping Military Families Who Have a Child With a Disability Cope With Stress


This exploratory study investigates perceived levels of family stress for military families who have a young child with a disability. Two primary areas of study were the sources and levels of stress, and the benefits of resources designed to help families cope. Results of the study indicate an increased level of stress for families when the demands of military life were coupled with the demands of caring for a young child with a disability. Events such as separation from family members, relocation, deployment, and personal safety and health issues emerged as concerns of the military personnel. The importance of coordinating services for these families is discussed

Russo, T. J., Fallon, M. A. (2001). Helping Military Families Who Have a Child With a Disability Cope With Stress. Early Childhood Education Journal, 29, 3-8. doi:10.1023/a:1011348620920