Family Relational Health, Psychological Resources, and Health Behaviors: A Dyadic Study of Military Couples


Military families face unique challenges attributed to military-specific events such as deployment and relocation. Healthy family relationship may serve as a protective factor against these challenges. The relationship between family relational health (i.e., family satisfaction) and healthy behaviors (i.e., sleeping and eating) was examined by surveys. Results showed that family-level resilience was important for military couples' mental well-being and healthy behaviors.

O'Neal, C. W., Lucier-Greer, M., Mancini, J. A., Ferraro, A. J., Ross, D. B. (2016). Family Relational Health, Psychological Resources, and Health Behaviors: A Dyadic Study of Military Couples. Military Medicine, 181, 152-160. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-14-00740