Domestic Violence in the Military: Women's Policy Preferences and Beliefs Concerning Routine Screening and Mandatory Reporting


Reporting of domestic violence (DV) in the military can be complicated by the lack of confidentiality. Beliefs about routine screening and mandatory reporting of DV by healthcare professionals were described and compared between abused and non-abused female Active Duty Service members. Women expressed the complex concerns, and sometimes competing goals, surrounding DV reporting, and abused women tended to be more opposed to reporting requirements than non-abused women.

Carlson Gielen, A., Campbell, J., Garza, M. A., O'Campo, P., Dienemann, J., Kub, J., Snow Jones, A., Lloyd, D. W. (2006). Domestic Violence in the Military: Women's Policy Preferences and Beliefs Concerning Routine Screening and Mandatory Reporting. Military Medicine, 171, 729-735. doi:10.7205/MILMED.171.8.729