Can Quality Improvement System Improve Childcare Site Performance in School Readiness?


An investigation around the effectiveness of the Quality Improvement System (QIS) developed and implemented by Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County (Florida) was conducted. This three year study looked at whether or not children in programs that participated in QIS showed greater growth in school readiness than the children in programs that did not participate. Overall, participation in QIS helps lift QIS sites out of the low performing programs category or prevents them from falling into this category, as well as having some effects on children's school readiness outcomes.

Ma, X., Shen, J., Lu, X., Brandi, K., Goodman, J., Watson, G. (2013). Can Quality Improvement System Improve Childcare Site Performance in School Readiness?. The Journal of Educational Research, 106, 146-156. doi:10.1080/00220671.2012.667015