An Examination of the Broaden-and-Build Model of Positive Emotions in Military Marriages: An Actor-Partner Analysis


Despite the stresses military life may cause for families, many military couples are very resilient. Using the broaden-and-build model of emotions, this study examined whether positive emotions, rather than negative, allow for broader cognitive processes (e.g., increased insight or meaning-making) among resilient Service members and their spouses with low marital distress. Results suggest positive emotions, particularly those of Service members, are important for fostering resilience in military couples.

Baptist, J. A., Goff, B. S. N. (2012). An Examination of the Broaden-and-Build Model of Positive Emotions in Military Marriages: An Actor-Partner Analysis. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 11, 205-220. doi:10.1080/15332691.2012.692942