A Scope of the Problem: Post-Deployment Reintegration Challenges in a National Guard Unit


National Guard Soldiers are at risk for a number of post-deployment challenges in part due to the rapid transition from civilian to military to civilian duties. Guard Soldiers from a National Guard aviation battalion returning from a one-year deployment to Iraq were surveyed for a wide range of issues they may face during reintegration. Results include mental health symptoms, alcohol misuse, relationship difficulties, and unemployment rates as potential areas for concern for Guard Soldiers, despite low-level combat exposure.

Wilcox, S. L., Oh, H., Redmond, S. A., Chicas, J., Hassan, A. M., Lee, P. J., Ell, K. (2015). A Scope of the Problem: Post-Deployment Reintegration Challenges in a National Guard Unit. Work, 50, 73-83. doi:10.3233/WOR-141935