Perpetration of Severe Intimate Partner Violence: Premilitary and Second Year of Service Rates.


Severe intimate partner violence (SIPV) perpetration among female and male Navy personnel during the year before enlistment and the second year of service was examined. A longitudinal design was implemented in which 542 female and 421 male Navy personnel completed four assessments over a period of two years. Overall more reported SIPV perpetration after two years of service than during the year before service (14%, compared with a pre-military rate of 11%).

Merrill, L. L., Crouch, J. L., Thomsen, C. J., Guimond, J., & Milner, J. S. (2005). Perpetration of Severe Intimate Partner Violence: Premilitary and Second Year of Service Rates.. Military Medicine, 170, 705-09.