Relational Turbulence Among Military Couples After Reunion Following Deployment


Reintegration following deployment can be challenging for Service members and their at-home partners. This study examined how both partners' depressive symptoms, uncertainty about the relationship, and disruption of each other's routines impacted each partners' feelings of how tumultuous their relationship was (i.e., relational turbulence), and assessed how these relationship dynamics changed over the first three months of the reintegration period. While most couples reported low levels of distress during the reintegration period, a portion struggled with changing relationship dynamics.

Knobloch, L. K., McAninch, K. G., Abendschein, B., Ebata, A. T., Mcglaughlin, P. C. (2016). Relational Turbulence Among Military Couples After Reunion Following Deployment. Personal Relationship, 23, 742-748. doi:10.1111/pere.12148