Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence and Associated Risk Factors Among Married Enlisted Female Soldiers


Relationships between psychosocial risk factors and six patterns of intimate partner violence (IPV) among Active Duty females and their spouses were examined. To explore these relationships 248 Active Duty female Soldiers were survey about sex-role attitudes, marital satisfaction, alcohol use, childhood trauma, and depression. The six patterns of violence between partners were no violence, bidirectional symmetrical severe violence or injury, bidirectional symmetrical sever psychological aggression only, bidirectional symmetrical minor physical and/ or sexual violence, female perpetrator- unilateral/bidirectional asymmetrical, and male perpetrator- unilateral/bidirectional asymmetrical. Overall, significant relationships were found between psychosocial risk factors and patterns of violence.

Forgey, M. A., & Badger, L. (2010). Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence and Associated Risk Factors Among Married Enlisted Female Soldiers. Violence & Victims, 25, 45-61. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.25.1.45