Adolescent Siblings of Individuals With and Without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Self-Reported Empathy and Feelings About Their Brothers and Sisters


Siblings of adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities may have different levels of empathy and feelings toward their sibling than adolescents with typically developing siblings. Siblings of adolescents with and without disabilities were compared on levels of empathy and feelings towards their sibling. Siblings of adolescents with a disability did not report different levels of empathy, but did report increased levels of anxiety toward the sibling with a disability.

Shivers, C. M., Dykens, E. M. (2017). Adolescent Siblings of Individuals With and Without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Self-Reported Empathy and Feelings About Their Brothers and Sisters. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 122, 62-77. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-122.1.62