Work Adjustment After Combat Deployment: Reservist Repatriation


A longitudinal, qualitative study was conducted with United States (US) Army reservists to explore the concerns and obstacles in the process of returning to the civilian workforce following a combat deployment. A person–environment fit perspective is used to explain the adjustment process and obstacles encountered by the returning reservists. Seven waves of interviews over a 12-month period were conducted. These interviews resulted in the development of a process model of reintegration to work. This process model consists of four phases: Return Home, Return to Work, Activation, and Settling In. We discuss the factors and events that characterize each phase and provide some practical recommendations for employers of military reservists.

Bull Schaefer, R. A. , Wiegand, K. E., Wadsworth, S. M. , Green, S. G. , Welch, E., Weiss, H. M. (2013). Work Adjustment After Combat Deployment: Reservist Repatriation. Community, Work & Family, 16, 191-211. doi:10.1080/13668803.2012.741909