Parental Deployment, Adolescent Academic and Social-Behavioral Maladjustment, and Parental Psychological Well-Being in Military Families


Effects on military families’ overall well-being has yet to be examined as it relates to duration and frequency of deployments. This study sought to explore the relationship between parents’ deployment and change in adolescent behavior and parent well-being. Findings suggest long deployments have a greater impact on adolescents’ behavior and parents’ well-being.

Nicosia, N. , Wong, E., Shier, V., Massachi, S., Datar, A. (2017). Parental Deployment, Adolescent Academic and Social-Behavioral Maladjustment, and Parental Psychological Well-Being in Military Families. Public Health Reports, 132, 93-105. doi:10.1177/0033354916679995