Under-Ascertainment From Healthcare Settings of Child Abuse Events Among Children of Soldiers by the US Army Family Advocacy Program


Retrospective data was used to examine the percentage of child maltreatment cases with a substantiated Family Advocacy Program (FAP) report among dependent children of U.S. Army parents. The association between this linkage and child, maltreatment episode, and Soldier characteristics was also examined. The findings indicate that less than a quarter of diagnosed maltreatment episodes had a substantiated FAP report and treatment facility type, maltreatment type, Soldier education levels, and Soldier race/ethnicity influenced this link.

Wood, J. N., Griffis, H. M., Taylor, C. M. , Strane, D., Harb, G. C., Mi, L., Rubin, D. M. (2017). Under-Ascertainment From Healthcare Settings of Child Abuse Events Among Children of Soldiers by the US Army Family Advocacy Program. Child Abuse and Neglect, 63, 202-210. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.11.007