Substantiation of Spouse and Child Maltreatment Reports as a Function of Referral Source and Maltreatment Type


Data from the Air Force Family Advocacy System of Records were obtained to examine the rate of substantiated spouse and child maltreatment reports, and explore whether maltreatment type or referral source influenced the rate of substantiation. Differences between maltreatment type and referral source were observed for both child and spouse maltreatment.

Foster, R. E. , Stone, F. P., Linkh, D. J. , Besetsny, L. K., Collins, P. S., Saha, T., Milner, J. S. (2010). Substantiation of Spouse and Child Maltreatment Reports as a Function of Referral Source and Maltreatment Type. Military Medicine, 175, 560-566. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-10-00035