Effects of Respite Care for Children With Developmental Disabilities: Evaluation of an Intervention for at Risk Families


Respite child care programs that provide temporary child care, support, and referral services to families of children with developmental disabilities are thought to be a critical component of formal social support interventions deemed necessary to promote healthy family functioning and prevent
child maltreatment. This study describes sociodemographic characteristics, parenting stress levels, foster care placement, and founded child maltreatment rates in families of children with developmental disabilities who were using respite care services in a rural Midwestern state. Comparison of matched pre- and posttest Parenting Stress Index scores indicated significant decreases in Total Stress scores (t = 3.27, df = 86, p = 0.0016), Parent Domain scores (t = 3.55, df = 86, p = 0.0006), and Child Domain scores (t = 2.2, df = 86, p = 0.02) following provision of
respite care. Through logistic regression, it was determined that life stress, social support, and service level were significantly related to the occurrence of child maltreatment during enrollment
( p < 0.05). The investigator suggests that public health nurses can enhance their case management strategies when working with the parents of children with developmental disabilities by
monitoring for caregiver burnout in addition to ensuring that the child is receiving care appropriate for his or her level of need.

Cowen, P. S., Reed, D. A. (2002). Effects of Respite Care for Children With Developmental Disabilities: Evaluation of an Intervention for at Risk Families. Public Health Nursing, 19, 272-283. doi:10.1046/j.1525-1446.2002.19407.x