Housing preferences of homeless Veterans with dual diagnoses


Previous research indicates that most homeless persons with mental illness prefer independent living, while most clinicians recommend group housing. This study compared residential preferences of 141 homeless veterans with dual diagnoses with those of 62 homeless nonveterans with dual diagnoses. Clinicians rated both groups while they were in transitional shelters before they were placed in housing. Both samples strongly rejected group home living, but a majority of nonveterans desired staff support. Clinicians recommended staffed group homes for most Veterans and nonveterans. This survey underscores the disjuncture between consumers' and clinicians' preferences as well as the need to provide a range of housing options to accommodate varied preferences.

Schutt, R. K., Weinstein, B., & Penk, W. E. (2005). Housing preferences of homeless Veterans with dual diagnoses. Psychiatric Services, 56(3), 350–352. doi:10.1176/appi.ps.56.3.350