Exploring the Impact of Parental Military Deployment/Field Posting on Adolescents in Indian Military Families


The purpose of this study was to explore the consequences of parental deployment for adolescents and to identify the risk and protective factors which may affect their well- being. The study being exploratory in nature, focus group was chosen for data collection. Three focus groups were held with boys and girls in the age group 12–18 years who were experiencing the deployment of their father for more than six months. Each group consisted of 6–8 participants. A semi structured interview schedule was prepared for the focus group interviews. Each focus group was audio taped and then transcribed for further analysis. Response themes indicate relocation in the absence of the father, changes in roles and responsibilities, routine changes, not having the parent to help with the homework, participate in activities and provide guidance as major sources of stress. While the relaxation in family rules and discipline is cherished by all, there are reintegration problems when the parent returns. Some adolescents expressed concern about the health and worries of the at-home parent, for most of them the mother or the at home parent is the central figure who helps steer through the multiple deployments.

Misra, P., & Singh, V. (2014). Exploring the impact of parental military deployment/field posting on adolescents in Indian military families. Psychological Studies, 59, 36‐43. doi:10.1007/s12646‐013‐0224‐8