A Review of Organizational Strategies for Reducing Sexual Harassment: Insights from the US Military


Sexual harassment is a form of sexual victimization with its roots in sexism. Despite efforts to reduce its prevalence, it continues to be one of the most common forms of workplace mistreatment. This article examined best practices in system-level interventions to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace and presents data from the U.S. Armed Forces to demonstrate the roles of organizational leadership, and sexual harassment policies and training, on reducing sexual harassment and improving outcomes when it does occur. We assert that a clear and consistent antiharassment message from organizational leaders is essential. This is communicated via a written, widely disseminated policy on sexual harassment; regular educational training for all members of the organization; formal and informal reporting, investigation, and remediation procedures. Finally, we suggest that organizations conduct regular self-assessments of sexual harassment and perceptions of the organizational climate as proactive efforts to effectively intervene and eliminate its occurrence.

Buchanan, N. T., Settles, I. H., Hall, A. T., & O'Connor, R. C. (2014). A review of organizational strategies for reducing sexual harassment: Insights from the US military. Journal of Social Issues, 70(4), 687-702.