Health Effects of Military Service on Women Veterans


Women Veterans are among the fastest growing groups of new VA health care users of the VA healthcare system, and currently reflect approximately eight percent of all U.S. Veterans. With Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF), women comprise a larger percentage of the military (11.3 percent) than of prior military operations. As of fiscal year 2010, 51.3 percent of female OEF/OIF Veterans had enrolled in VA health care, in sharp contrast to women from previous eras (an estimated 11 percent). Of this group, 88 percent have used VA health care more than once.

Batuman, F., Bean-Mayberry, B., Goldzweig, C., Huang, C., Miake-Lye, I. M., Washington, D. L., ... & Shekelle, P. G. (2011). Health effects of military service on women Veterans.