Management of Acute Concussion in a Deployed Military Setting


The DoD has established clinical guidelines and policies creating a system of care for the management of battlefield concussion. Within these instructions, medical providers have standardized guidance for screening and diagnosing concussion, along with guidelines for treating common concussion symptoms. Underlying these policies is the principle that concussion is an important injury, and SMs need to be removed from combat during the acute period to ensure full recovery before return to duty. As our understanding of concussion advances, the DoD will incorporate these advances into the current system of care, ensuring that SMs have the highest level of care possible for concussions sustained on the battlefield

Johnson, M. A., Hawley, J. S., & Theeler, B. J. (2014). Management of acute concussion in a deployed military setting. Current treatment options in neurology, 16(9), 1-16. 10.1007/s11940-014-0311-8