Integrated Treatment of Mental Health and Spiritual Concerns of Deployed Military


Military service members and veterans often encounter significant challenges related to their experiences in combat. These issues often cut across several domains such as mental health and spiritual functioning. Given the interrelated aspects of these concerns, counselors may struggle with simultaneously addressing mental health and spiritual functioning when counseling military members. The concept of wellness provides a useful framework in which to address the interconnected nature of mental health and spiritual concerns. The authors provide information on the nature of common issues associated with military deployment, effective treatment approaches to address these issues, and strategies for integrating mental health and spiritual issues within counseling. A case study is offered to assist with applying an integrated approach in counseling.

Hayden, S. C., Jackson-Cherry, L., & Sterner, W. (2014). Integrated treatment of mental health and spiritual concerns of deployed military. Journal of Military and Government Counseling, 2(3), 168.