Street Children and Crime in the UK: A Case of Abuse and Neglect


It is claimed that many incidences of children running away from home and residential care involve issues around violence, bullying and child abuse and neglect. Surveys show that between 14 and 20% of children run away from home for at least one night and that 2% run away 10 times or more from home or a care setting. The potential reasons for running away are discussed together with the increased possibility for further victimization, delinquency and criminal behaviour. Four `streetwork projects' that provide information and support to young runaways in the UK are described and their limitations discussed. It is proposed that counselling should be a part of intervention with street children and that trained counsellors/psychotherapists should be available free to these young people with social and emotional diculties outside the usual health/social service provision

Browne, K., & Falshaw, L. (1998). Street children and crime in the UK: A case of abuse and neglect. Child Abuse Review, 7(4), 241-253.