Military & Veteran's Health Integration Across Missions: How a College of Nursing "Joined Forces"


In order to address the unique needs of our returning military and veterans, the White House initiated the Joining Forces campaign and has encouraged colleges of nursing throughout the nation to support this mission. At the University of South Florida College of Nursing, we have implemented a multi-faceted approach that addresses education, research, and employment. These military-related programs have been unified under our RESTORE LIVES (Research and Education to Rehabilitate and Restore the Lives of Veterans, Services members and their Families) initiative. To accomplish this mission we enhanced our curriculum to include veteran healthcare issues, developed research that addresses veteran wellness, launched an accelerated program to enable veterans and military personnel with medical experience to obtain their baccalaureate in nursing, and encouraged a culture within the college that is supportive of military-based healthcare and employment needs. We have shared our experiences through webinars, presentations, and by hosting a national conference.

Morrison-Beedy, D., Passmore, D., & D’Aoust, R. (2015). Military & veteran's health integration across missions: How a college of nursing "joined forces". Nursing Outlook. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2015.05.004