Development of a Cyber/Information Technology Knowledge Test for Military Enlisted Technical Training Qualification


An Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Review Panel, with expertise in personnel selection, job classification, psychometrics, and cognitive psychology developed recommendations for changes to the military enlistment test battery. One recommendation was to develop and evaluate a test of cyber/information and communications technology literacy to supplement current ASVAB content. This article summarizes a multiphased Cyber Test development process: (a) a review of information/computer technology literacy definitions and measures, (b) development and pilot testing of a cyber knowledge measure, (c) validation of test scores against final school grades (FSGs) for selected technical training courses, (d) development of an operational reporting metric and subgroup norms, and (e) examination of construct validity. Results indicate the Cyber Test has predictive validity versus technical training school grades and incremental validity comparable to the ASVAB technical knowledge tests when used with the ASVAB Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) verbal/math composite as a baseline.

Trippe, D. M., Moriarty, K. O., Russell, T. L., Carretta, T. R., & Beatty, A. S. (2014). Development of a cyber/information technology knowledge test for military enlisted technical training qualification. Military Psychology, 26(3), 182-198. doi:10.1037/mil0000042