Predicting Leisure Participation of School‐Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy: Longitudinal Evidence of Child, Family and Environmental Factors


Participation in activities provides opportunities for preschool children to develop skills, engage in social contacts and has a positive impact on mental and physical well-being. The aim of this study is to examine construct validity and test-retest reliability of the Dutch translation of the Assessment of Preschool Children’s Participation (APCP) A participation measure for children aged 2 to 5 years and 11 months with and without physical disabilities. A group of 126 parents of children participated in the study; 67 children without physical disabilities and 59 children with physical disabilities Construct validity was tested using three hypotheses that could all be confirmed. Although not for all activity types. ICCs for test-retest reliability were good to excellent. The Dutch translation APCP can therefore be considered a valid and reliable measure of participation for preschool children with and without physical disabilities.

Bult, M. K., Verschuren, O., Lindeman, E., Jongmans, M. J., Westers, P., Claassen, A., & Ketelaar, M. (2013). Predicting leisure participation of school‐aged children with cerebral palsy: Longitudinal evidence of child, family and environmental factors. Child: care, health and development, 39(3), 374-380. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01391.x