Military Sexual Trauma among US Female Veterans


Sexual abuse among female veterans reportedly occurs in significant numbers in the U.S. military and has been recognized to cause posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD, which stems from sexual abuse, has been called military sexual trauma (MST), which has only recently been recognized by the Department of Defense. Consequently, there has been scant research on the prevalence, impact, and treatment of MST. This article explores the phenomenon of sexual aggression against female veterans in the U.S. military, risk factors for MST, PTSD as a result of MST, a conceptual framework for treating PTSD stress, and treatment strategies for PTSD.

Williams, I., & Bernstein, K. (2011). Military sexual trauma among US female veterans. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 25(2), 138-147. doi:10.1016/j.apnu.2010.07.003