The Concept of the Second Generation Program in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Vietnam Veterans


The concepts of First and Second Generation treatment programs for Vietnam veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder are presented, based on a developmental theoretical model of adaptation. First Generation programs focus on accessing and then working through the effects of the war trauma and aim to diminish the intensity of core PTSD symptoms. Second Generation programs focus on reintegrating veterans into the social context of family and work, and aim to improve their ability to function in society. Both types of treatment may be required in order to help veterans resume their psychological and social development. The need to develop sophisticated models of comprehensive inpatient treatment in order to support scholarly discourse and outcome research is emphasized.

Johnson, D. R., Feldman, S. C., Southwick, S. M., & Charney, D. S. (1994). The concept of the second generation program in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder among Vietnam veterans. Journal of traumatic stress,7(2), 217-235.