Event-Oriented Debriefing Following Military Operations: What Every Leader Should Know


The purpose of the Event-Oriented Debriefing brochure is to provide basic information about debriefing leaders. Debriefing is a factual review of events, including individual and unit reactions to those events, is important in helping soldiers adjust to their deployment experiences in a healthy and positive way. The pamphlet's focus is on debriefing after deployment but the overview can apply to other situations as well. The pamphlet describes what a debriefing is and is not, the goals of a debriefing, who conducts the debriefing, who it is intended for, and when it should occur. There is also a step-by-step description of how a debriefing is conducted and typical myths about how debriefings are addressed.

Bartone, P. T., & Adler, A. B. (1995). Event-oriented debriefing following military operations: What every leader should know (No. USAMRU-E-PAM-95-2). ARMY MEDICAL RESEARCH UNIT EUROPE.