Engaging Military Youth in After-School Programming for Resiliency and Positive Life Skill Development


Since the events of Sept 11, 2001, military service members have experienced frequent long-term deployments to active war zones, causing issues of family separation and anxiety. Orthner and Rose (2005) report that 37% of Army spouses state that their children seriously worry about what could happen to their deployed parent and that school issues and depression occur in about 20% of their children. Using Hendricks’ (1998) “Developing Youth Curriculum Using the Targeting Life Skills Model” and Ginsburg and Jablow’s (2011) “Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings,” the presenter has collaborated with Army Child, Youth, and School Services (CYSS) to positive youth development experiences for military children and youth. Leadership, citizenship, and life skills developed during programming can build resiliency and assist these young people during times of transition and turmoil. During this session, participants will learn how the Liberty County 4-H Agent works with Fort Stewart Training and Curriculum Specialists to train CYSS staff to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate after school 4-H programming for CYSS children and youth. Examples of successful integration of the Fort Stewart 4-H members into the Liberty County and Georgia 4-H programs will also be shared. Additionally, opportunities for replication with other agencies, education, and military installations will be provided. While this is based upon 4-H program planning models, it can easily replicated to meet the needs of military dependents involved in any youth organization! The session will include discussion of recent studies conducted about military families, hands-on activities, and question/answer session. See how proper engagement in after-school programming provides military youth with positive life skill development.

Bozeman, K. (2015). Engaging military youth in after-school programming for resiliency and positive life skill development.